A couple of weeks ago Tim Brewer and I were catching up over the phone and decided we were long overdue for a face to face meeting.  So this week I flew to Tampa to hang out with my buddy.  As most of you know, Tim loves a good party, but he’s also an impressive businessman and after a full day together here are a few of the themes we discussed about what’s coming next and how it will change the MSP industry:

Support Today, Architect for Tomorrow – The world we live in today will be drastically different than tomorrow.  So how can we make sure we are supporting our customers today but thinking about future and architecting for tomorrow to prep for the next wave of technology?

Cloud – The cloud is here to stay.  More and more functions, apps, etc are moving to the cloud.  The issue about security will eventually be a distant memory just like right now we have no problem with online banking.  Our money is in the cloud, soon most things will be also.

Data – The rate of data being created is growing exponentially which means eventually it will become a problem and people will need help to manage that data.  The value of a corporation is in their data and their ability to compile it, analyze it, summarize it, and then act on it.

Software – Software is going to be a major force in the MSP space going forward and we all need to adapt to it.  As Marc Andreessen said, “software is eating the world”.  I think he’s right.  So how can we leverage software to make our businesses more efficient and how can we help our customers leverage software to be more efficient.

Frictionless Sales –  We need to lower the friction in the sales process so that we can make it easier to find our potential customers, easier to qualify them, easier to provide them the info they need to evaluate the offering, get them to sign up.  Then we need to get them on board showing immediate value to them and their end users.  There is so much friction in a typical sales process, but imagine if we could reduce it.

Tim and I spent the entire day together which included a brainstorming session in the morning, idea swapping over lunch and wrapped up with a planning session for him and his family’s trip to Miami later this year.

A big thanks to Captain Tim (as you can see from the picture below) for hosting me in Tampa and look forward to connecting again in Miami!

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