The BrightGauge Blog

How We Chose our 5 Core Values

Written by Amanda McCluney | August 5, 2016

Core values are something that just about every company talks about when it comes to their team and their operations these days. But at BrightGauge, we didn’t want to just talk about core values, or have them hanging on the wall in an effort to showcase that we’re like everyone else.


In fact, until just a couple of months ago we didn’t even talk much as a team about core values. The thing is, with such a small group (until recently) it was always fairly easy to pick out new teammates that we knew were a fit based on their personality, their work ethic, knowledge of the job at hand, and perhaps what may best be described as a certain amount of “do the right thing” mentality.


It’s not to say that we didn’t give each new hire a foundation to work from… in fact, we did have a list of Core Principles that each teammate signed off on. But as our team continues growing and maturing, we knew it was time to revisit the idea and put those values in the spotlight because those are the virtues that we live by every day.


Our co-Founders, Brian and Eric, sat down to make a list of the values that really embody who we are as individuals, and therefore build us into one strong team working together to continue building an awesome product. They came up with 5 core values that drive our culture, our teamwork, and the organization:



Gritty Workers

We value hard work and take pride in getting things done.  We give each day 100% and accept nothing less.  We are hungry to work hard, build awesome product(s), and help our customers.


Passionate About Our Craft & Culture

We are passionate about our craft, overall service, and product we deliver to our customers.  We also care immensely about our culture and team and creating the best environment to work in.


Always Humble

Every member at BrightGauge must be, and always be, humble.  We have strong opinions, but always open to new facts and ways to get better.  


Ultra Responsive

We pride ourselves in being extremely responsive to our customers and to each other.  Through whichever medium, we keep the cadence and pace of communication that helps accomplish our goals.


Good People

We are ethical, helpful, and honest individuals who are always trying to do the right thing.  We pride ourselves on being good family men & women, good community members, and great co-workers.


It’s the combination of these values in each of us that makes us unique as a team and also drives our service-centric culture at BrightGauge. As we continue to grow the business, we will rely on these values in how we conduct ourselves and they will help us decide who joins us as teammates.


We’re really excited to publish our Core Values and share them with the community, and who knows - we may even see them hanging on a wall soon at BrightGauge HQ!