Since kicking off the year we haven’t talked a lot about new feature updates, but that doesn’t mean our team was slowing down the work on bringing them to life. You asked for them and we listened… and we’re excited to launch 2 big improvements (mentioned often on our
Feature Request board) that will make your BrightGauge experience better every day:


Export Gauge Data to CSV

Let’s say you’re working remotely one day and notice a gauge that you want to get some more information on. You need to share the data with your teammates in order to ask them for that extra info. This happened to me recently when I was looking at the gauge to show our list of customers for one specific RMM integration. Before, there was no easy way to share this list - I would have to ask my team to log in and look at the gauge, or maybe try to screenshot the data list as best as possible. Neither of those is a great option, plus there would be nowhere for my crew to log any notes.

The good news here is that with our new exporting feature, all I had to do is hit the “CSV” button and my list was immediately emailed to me. I quickly opened the file in a spreadsheet and shared with those who needed to review the list and get back to me. Adding notes was easy and within 15 minutes the whole thing was done and I had the information I was looking for.

BrightGauge_export gauge data to CSV

Any list gauge or table gauge can be downloaded with no limits on the amount of rows downloadable.

Export Drilldown Data to CSV

Building on our new downloading capability, we also gave users the option to download any drilldown data to a CSV. This is a great option for those times when you have a long list of data to sort through. Let’s say you have a machine count gauge with 250 machines and you need to sort and analyze that data. Using the CSV download feature to then transfer the gauge data to a spreadsheet makes it incredibly easy for a granular analysis.  

BrightGauge_export drilldown data to CSV

use the “CSV” link in the right corner and your download will start


Stay tuned for more delightful features, as we call them, coming soon and are sure to make your BrightGauge experience better every day!  

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