Earlier this year, we kicked off the 2014 BrightGauge Educational Webinar Series with a session on How To Increase Efficiency & Profitability Through Service Management Excellence. During the session, MSP Operations Coach Rex Frank of Sea-Level Operations guided us through his 10 Step Operations Plan. This plan outlines the  10 steps that every Service Manager and organization should follow to increase efficiency and profitability.

After the webinar, we polled the participants to determine which of the 10 steps they wanted to learn more about, and after several hundred votes were cast, the clear winner was Establishing & Managing MSP Key Performance Indicators.


So, we're bringing Rex back for another round, and will be taking a deep dive into the topic. We guarantee you'll learn best practices and strategies that you can immediately implement to make your operations plan run more efficiently.

During the session, Rex will cover topics like:

  • Leading vs. Lagging Indicators
  • Indicators vs. Key Indicators
  • Sales KPIs
  • Finance KPIs
  • Service KPIs
  • P&L Based KPI's

As usual, we want to  accommodate our global community, so we will be hosting the same call twice, on June 18th. Please RSVP to the one session that best fits your schedule by clicking the date/time link:  June 18th at 10:30am or June 18th at 7:30pm (both EDT)

Free MSA Template

Whether you’re planning your first managed services agreement, or you’re ready to overhaul your existing version, we've got you covered!

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