The BrightGauge Blog

Gauge Review: Avg Time Gauges

Written by Brian Dosal | March 12, 2012

Currently we have three “average time” gauges (first three gauges on our Gauge page) that are among our most popular Service Delivery gauges.  These gauges are also thought of, or described as, the Brightgauge SLA Gauges since they are counting the time from when tickets are opened to either Acknowledged, Resolution Plan, and Resolved.

In this post we wanted to answer a few commonly asked questions about these gauges for our community and future partners:

1. How do these gauges get calculated?

For AutoTask & Connectwise it is very similar how we get the numbers for these gauges.  Each ticket within both systems calculates each time based on their own methods.  All BrightGauge does is take those numbers for the particular day we are calculating and average them out with other tickets on that same day.  For example, if two tickets are resolved on the same day and one had taken an hour and the other had taken three hours then the Average Time to Resolution would be two hours for that day (for that customer).

2. How does BrightGauge account for when we’re waiting for the customer or a vendor?

Fortunately, Connectwise & AutoTask both account for those “hold times” based on statuses.  You will have to refer to their systems to make sure your statuses are correctly set up so these scores are accurately accounting for hold and wait times.

3. Does BrightGauge calculate against our SLAs?

These gauges are not calculating against any set SLAs or default SLAs.  They are simply showing the time calculated over a 30 day trend.  In a separate gauge, coming out next quarter, we will be splitting out by Priority and showing whether you have met SLAs or not.

4. How can I see which tickets are making up each score?

You can now drill down behind each data point to see what tickets are used to make up that particular day’s score!  This is a new feature that we released last week as part of our Q1 Roadmap.

Personally, these are some of my favorite gauges as they help to tell the story of how MSPs are handling support requests coming in from their customers.  Similar to Service Backlog gauge, BrightGauge is all about using raw data to tell a story in an easy to understand way for customers.  There is no way in house IT teams are pulling this off...

Note: This Gauge is not available for ConnectWise hosted partners.  ConnectWise currently does not serve this data through their API and is not on their roadmap yet to do so.  We’ve asked but feel free to do so as well!