The team at BrightGauge really prides ourselves on being open-minded, especially when it comes to new ideas about how we can share content with our customers and friends. So during the course of a round of recent customer feedback interviews led by our Product Manager, Brian Dosal, I took note that a few of our customers referenced podcasts they listened to or had even been featured on.
Around the same time our CEO, Eric Dosal, happened to mention a possible BrightGauge podcast by coincidence. Armed with the customer feedback, a mutual passion for sharing information and a complete lack of marketing inhibition, the conversation was short and the excitement was high. We were going to launch The BrightGauge Podcast! Since we’ve always had a lot of ideas for content to share with our community, having another platform to do so was an obvious choice for communication and education.
Welcome to the show
[Cut to a few weeks later] With topics laid out, a recommended podcasting microphone on deck and a little research under our belts, we were ready to introduce ourselves to the world. Episode # 1 featured Eric and I explaining how and why BrightGauge was founded and where we are going in the near future, as well as our company and team growth over the last few years.
Episode # 2: The BrightGauge Sales Process
We’re constantly speaking to MSPs and ITSPs from all over the world. While time zones and accents change, the challenges seen by each one are usually parallel and one of those challenges is how to implement or improve a sales process. So, what better way to begin giving some insights on the topic than to open up about what works for us in the BrightGauge sales process? We called in our expert, Larry Garcia, our Director of Sales, to share some tips and actionable insights about his sales pipeline. From using storytelling in the sales process to helpful sales tools and even how to process a cold lead, Larry lays out his best advice in this episode.
We hope you enjoy the latest episode of The BrightGauge Podcast, and don’t forget to send us your ideas for topics to be covered on future episodes! I can be reached at amccluney[at]brightgauge[dot]com for suggestions.
Episode 2 Resources:
Spin Selling by Neil Rackham
The Joshua Principle by Tony Hughes
Predictable Revenue by Aaron Ross
Want to find out more about The BrightGauge Podcast? Check out all the episodes here.