The BrightGauge Blog

New Dashboard UI Product Announcement

Written by Amanda McCluney | June 21, 2016


There’s nothing quite as exciting for us as an announcement about product updates, and this is a monstrous one! Last week we introduced several changes at once, so here’s the scoop on the new look and new abilities now found in BrightGauge:

  1. New dashboard settings menu
  2. New dashboard switching experience
  3. New feature of CLONING dashboards
  4. New feature of FAVORITING dashboards.
  5. New editing of dashboard names

First, a quick video overview to demonstrate the new changes and then you can find more details about each below:

Three Dot Menu - New Settings Menu
Where there was previously a Dashboard gear icon and a “builder” state of a dashboard, we consolidated consolidated all dashboard functionality into a settings menu to the left of the dashboard name. The new look features a three dot menu.

This three dot menu style has become very usable and popular within our community and we will be rolling this out throughout the rest of the pages when they get refreshed (and they will all get refreshed).


Note: For our customers, when you press Add Gauges the same drawer pops out as before, but to close you can just press “X”

Switching Dashboards
Switching Dashboards got a major overhaul in this release.  Instead of having a simple dropdown, we created a modal that has a search bar at the top.  When you press “Switch Dashboards” from the new dashboard menu (or by pressing “s” key in the dashboard) the cursor will already be in the search bar so you can start typing and just hit the arrow key down to find your dashboard... Super fast and efficient way to change dashboards.  The modal is organized by favorited dashboards first (new feature!!!) and then rest of dashboards in alphabetical order.

Favoriting Dashboard
As described above, the switch dashboard modal is organized by favorited dashboards first so those are easiest to find when looking for dashboards. You can favorite a dashboard by going into the settings menu of the dashboard and clicking favorite!  Very easy, very functional.  And these are personal favorites so they are only visible to you.



Cloning a Dashboard
A big feature request from our users was to more easily create multiple dashboards similar to each other.  So we decided to add in the ability to CLONE a dashboard from the dashboard settings menu.  It works just as you would think, click to Clone, give it a name and the new dashboard is created with the same gauges as before.


Editing Dashboard Name In-Line
Lastly, when creating a dashboard you will be first prompted to give your dashboard a name.  Not to worry though if you want to change the name later, you just hover over the name of the dashboard and and click to edit (very similar to the Report Builder).  The dashboard name will save once you press the enter key or just click on any part of the app.


That’s a wrap, lots of new features and consolidation of features in one release.  Stay tuned for more changes coming soon to the dashboard!