Get to Know the Team: Our Favorite Sport

Welcome back to Part 5 in our series on The People Behind the Product. If you missed blogs 1-4, the idea behind the theme is to help introduce the personalities that are working hard at BrightGauge HQ every day to continue building and growing the platform that we all love so much. So far we’ve covered our favorite movies, original hometowns, favorite places to eat, and treasured vacation spots. Now it’s time to talk athletics with a look at our number one sports!
Steve: I'm not a massive sports fan but I watch a lot of soccer, mostly the English Premier League. The fans are really passionate and it's contagious. The build up that happens leading up to a goal is really exciting and once your team scores you can really get nuts.
Eric: Baseball is my favorite sport growing up and I played all through college (#CollegeAthlete #HumbleBrag) but I've really enjoyed watching the World Cup and get into the games. So Soccer is quickly becoming my favorite sport to watch but that's only once every 4 years.
Francisco: Soccer. Ever since I was 8, I have been playing soccer. Every time I play, I feel full of energy and hours can go by without me even realizing.
David: Despite not being much of a sports fan I enjoy playing tennis. As a child I remember seeing a match on the television and telling my mother that I wanted to play it and she enrolled me in classes. It's a sport of finesse/control, endurance and quickness that's fun to play.
Kristian: Basketball has always been my favorite sport since I was kid. It’s easy to coordinate a few friends and get a pickup game going and it’s a nonstop action sport to both play and watch. Football is definitely up on my list too, as watching College and NFL games is a weekly ritual in our household. While physically playing and coordinating football games is a bit more difficult, participating in Fantasy Football leagues is just as fun and competitive.
Adam: Don't really play or watch much sports unless I'm with a group of friends who are already doing it. If I had to choose it would probably be basketball.
Brian: Golf. It's a beautiful sport to play both visually in usually great open spaces but also what it commands in players. It commands mental control, risk management, and a strong sense of ethic.
Amanda: I’m not into team sports at all (although I did win our BrightGauge 2015 Fantasy Football league… just sayin’ that’s a huge accomplishment considering I don’t keep up with sports). Do things like kayaking and whitewater rafting count here? If so, we’ll go with that. Oh and I want to try stand-up paddleboarding soon.
Larry: Basketball. Both playing and watching it. Really fun sport to play recreationally, but can appreciate it being played at the collegiate or professional level.
Rick: I don't enjoy sports. I enjoy rooting for your favorite team's nemesis.
Orlando: Football for watching and Basketball for playing. I also enjoy playing softball but that's much harder to organize than basketball.
Ryan: Soccer. I love watching (Chelsea FC and USA supporter) and playing. Played competitively since age 4.
Randall: Basketball, both playing and watching. It's fast, which is perfect for watching, and because I like to play it, I can relate to what the players are doing.
Do you see any of your favorites on the list? Tell us about your sports skills and what keeps you moving in your downtime!
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