Once logged into BrightGauge, click on "Data" on the top right corner and select "Client Mappings" from the drop down menu.


Adding Client mapping

To add a new client, click “Add a Client"


Use the auto mapping search bar

The client mapping process now happens in 1 modal instead of 3 separate screens. When the modal opens, you can name the mapping and search for the client using the search input. This will search through your featured integrations.


Single mappings (client pill)

If the search finds a match, it will show as a client pill similar to the linked filter pill. If it matches incorrectly you can remove the pill by clicking the "x" icon.


Single Datasource Search 

If the auto mapping search does not provide a result or an incorrect mapping click the "+" icon on the datasource row. In the search bar, proceed to enter the name for this client EXACTLY as it appears in the corresponding datasource database. It will search again and you can select the appropriate one from the drop down list.
If a client has multiple names for the same datasource (bundling child accounts into a parent account or multiple sites into one account), you can use this method to combine all of them.  

Make sure to check the names across all datasources. If you are mapping multiple accounts into the same client, you’ll have to search in each datasource. 
Once all selections are made, make sure to save the edits by clicking on the "Save" button at the bottom.


Once a client mapping is created you can edit or delete it using the 3 ellipses (more options) menu on the right.