In keeping our year-end recap theme going (see webinar and podcast roundups also), we couldn’t forget about the big accomplishments made this year when it comes to our platform. It’s safe to say that after an awesome year, our product is at its best of all time. Here are just a few of the major highlights that we wanted to share:
There was an era in our history when the standard BrightGauge sync time was 15 minutes, but that’s ancient news now. Several months ago, we were thrilled to reduce our standard sync time to 5 minutes, but we also understood that some info needs to move even faster. So for those critical datasets, we were psyched about our new ability to offer a 2-minute refresh time! As a result, when a user logs into BrightGauge it automatically kicks off a complete sync so that you have the freshest data. But don’t worry, if nobody logs in for a few days, we’ll still sync your data at least once a day to make sure we’re ready for you when you do log in.
Talk about a popular feature request! Calculated Metrics was at the top of our list when it came to suggestions from our community about ways to make BrightGauge a more well-rounded data solution. Now you can crunch calculations based on individual numbers (layers) you create. Plus, it has opened a ton of new ways to see your data with cool metrics like Kill Rate and 1st Touch Resolution %.
You can now combine your key financial data with the operational data from your PSA and RMM, giving you complete visibility into your business. Now, instead of having to wait for your accountants or finance team to pull the data, you can have access to your QuickBooks data in real time. Key metrics like the ones shown here: QuickBooks Sample Data.
This one is for our ConnectWise users: now you have the ability to seamlessly track customer satisfaction (CSAT) feedback along with data from QuickBooks, your RMM and tons of other sources for a single view of all the metrics that help run your business. No more logging in and out, toggling windows or juggling multiple platforms. With BrightGauge + SmileBack combined, your customer satisfaction responses can be added directly to your dashboards:
With Deep Linking, our users now have the ability to click certain fields which have been hyperlinked to drill directly through to the original datasource (Connectwise, Connectwise API, Labtech, & Autotask). For example, when clicking on a ticket number, users can now link directly back into Connectwise:
Here’s your answer to that dreaded "Why am I paying you?" question! With Client Reporting, you are now able to combine the data from your PSA and RMM, filter it down to the key information you want to share, and then set the report on an automated schedule so you don't have to worry about it. Get your templates now inside your BrightGauge at Reports > Templates.
So, with several great milestones under our belt this year, you may be wondering how we’ll ever manage to top ourselves in 2016… stay tuned for more!