The BrightGauge Blog

We're Removing Our Feature Request Forum

Written by Brian Dosal | January 16, 2018

Hello everyone! We’re going to do something crazy in 2018...

Yes, you've read right. We've decided to remove our feature request forums.

We may be a little crazy but there is logic behind this removal. Here’s why...

1. The Small Vocal Minority are Not Representative of the Whole

Out of 10,000+ active users on BrightGauge, only a few participate in the Feature Request forums. Over time, we've found that while we have a vocal minority expressing opinions on features that may not represent the larger majority of feature interests and userbase needs.

2. Too Many Requests Have Built Up Over Time

Like with most software companies, we always want to get more done than is possible. With the forums building up over the years, too many of theses requests have gone stale. We'd rather hit refresh and talk directly with you about what you'd like to see more of. Which leads to our final point...

3. We Have Even Stronger Channels for Feature Requests in Place Already

This is the biggest reason. The reality is we have other places that work even better for receiving feedback on features and other requests. The best spot is through our support team, which fields about 1,000 tickets per month, quite a few of those being feature requests. Many of these come up countless times but don’t seem to show up on our current Feature Request forums. The other channels we use are live conversations with customers that happen daily, our Data Driven Workshops that happen quarterly in our office, and conferences & meetups that happen throughout the year. These channels are in heavy use and keep us connected.

For those that spent time contributing ideas to our forums, I do appreciate the feedback you’ve provided. You will still be heard! Please continue to work with our support team or email me directly (you can ask our support team for my email).

We are heading into 2018 with a larger development team and a continued investment in improving the BrightGauge product. Many of the top rated features requested will be tackled. For those who are interested, I’d be happy to share our 6 week roadmap with anyone who wants to hear about it.


