I must have missed a memo or something.

Since when did people start thinking it’s okay to pay for business intelligence that limits the number of dashboards and reports they can create? That’s like paying for Microsoft Office and then finding out that you can only create 5 documents or spreadsheets a month with it.

It’s your data and you should be able to consume it however you want! At least, that’s what we think at BrightGauge, which is why we don’t limit the number of dashboards and reports that you can create.

Here’s why you need to have unlimited dashboards and reports:


The Benefits of Unlimited Dashboards and Reports

There are two primary benefits to having unlimited dashboards and reports: Scalability and the ability to share reports with each and every client. But, to say those are the only benefits is a bit premature.

Let’s look at these benefits one by one:



As your organization grows, you’ll need to have more dashboards and reports as new departments are formed, managers and execs are brought on, and staff as a whole increased. If you were limited in the number of dashboards you could create, you'd be unknowingly creating a data dictatorship!

If you had unlimited dashboards instead, you’d be able to keep your data democratized as your business grows. We’ve talked about data democratization before, but we can’t stress how important it is! Data democratization allows you to increase transparency, enable your managers and employees to make better decisions and motivate good behaviors in your company as employees see how their work impacts the business.

Sharing Reports with Clients

The ability to share reports with each of your clients may not seem like a big deal at first, but what if I told you it could increase your bottom line?

I bet you’re interested now! Sharing reports with clients will build trust, which, in turn, increases satisfaction and then lowers churn. In addition to increasing client satisfaction and decreasing churn, client reporting paves the way for higher paying clients as it shows them that you are meeting and exceeding SLAs on a consistent basis (which you should be doing if you’re a data driven MSP).

Free Your Data

Our competitors insist on putting limits to how often you can access your data and make you pay to share it with viewers, but we put you first, and because of that, we won’t charge you extra for creating or sharing new reports and dashboards.


If you’re ready to experience the benefits of unlimited dashboards and reports, let us show you how to liberate your data with BrightGauge!

See BrightGauge in Action

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