MSPs 70+ Metrics and Formulas

When it comes to Managed Service Providers (MSPs) who are starting and growing their businesses, a question we often hear is, “What metrics should I be tracking on a regular basis?” 

There is no simple answer. Knowing what data to use really depends on what your clients want to see, what is most important to your bottom line, and what type of data is going to move the needle for your business. 

There are a multitude of key performance indicators (KPIs) that can influence and drive the various teams in your business operations. Nailing down the metrics and KPIs that are most important to you is just the first step towards running a data-driven business.

Once you determine what you’re going to track, you must decide how you’re going to track those metrics.

Manually analyzing data is a tedious task that can take hours upon hours of time. In addition to loss of productivity that occurs when you’re spending more time on metrics than on revenue-generating tasks, you could fall victim to analysis paralysis - that is, information overload.

A simple business hack for avoiding this situation is to use a software like BrightGauge, which automates data insights for you.

BrightGauge works by connecting with PSA, RMM,  financial, and other popular business solutions on the market to allow you to see all your important data in one easy-to-access place. When you integrate with the datasource you use - like ConnectWise PSA, ConnectWise RMMConnectWise Automate, Webroot, ITBoost, Salesforce, Datto, QuickBooks, Auvik, and so many more - your data will be displayed together on dashboards and can easily be converted to custom executive client reports. 

BrightGauge makes it really easy to stay on top of your data because all you have to do is glance at a gauge or dashboard and see the metrics you’re looking for. No more precious hours wasted logging in and out of multiple accounts to get the information you need. You’ll have it right at your fingertips so you can make data-driven decisions that will impact your business in a good way.

On this page, you’ll find 79 metrics (and accompanying formulas where applicable) that we have found to be important to most MSPs in the industry. These KPIs will help each of your individual teams be aligned, focused, productive, and efficient.

Table of Contents

Financial Metrics for MSPs

1. Cash On Hand

Keeping track of your cash flow will help you to stay out of financial trouble.

BrightGauge integrations that support this metric: QuickBooks Online + On-Premise, Great Plains



2. Months of Cash

Another way of looking at cash on hand, months of cash goes a step further by letting you know how long that cash will last you.

BrightGauge integrations that support this metric: QuickBooks Online + On-Premise, Great Plains



3. Accounts Receivable

Monitoring your receivables will allow you to see how much money is awaiting customer payment, which tells you how much money should be coming in during the next 30 days, and also alerts you as to which clients are not paying on time.

BrightGauge integrations that support this metric: QuickBooks Online + On-Premise, Xero, Great Plains



4. Profit

A no-brainer due to the popularity of the P&L statement, tracking your profit will enable you to see how well your business has performed and create a baseline for future data. Keep in mind that this isn’t a real-time metric and only provides a look at the past performance of your business.

BrightGauge integrations that support this metric: QuickBooks Online + On-Premise, Xero, Great Plains

How to calculate this metric:

MSP metric formula for calculating profit



5. Unpaid Invoices

Tracking unpaid invoices allows you to quickly and easily identify which client’s services need to be paused or canceled.

BrightGauge integrations that support this metric: AutotaskQuickBooks Online + On-Premise, Xero, Tigerpaw, Kaseya BMS, Harvest, Accelo



6. Overhead

Your operating costs will provide insight into both how much revenue you need to bring in and whether you are operating with too little margins.

BrightGauge integrations that support this metric: QuickBooks Online + On-Premise, Xero

How to calculate this metric:

MSP metric formula for calculating overhead costs



7. Labor Costs

Breaking overhead down a little, your labor costs will help to identify whether you are hiring more personnel than you need or can afford.

BrightGauge integrations that support this metric: QuickBooks Online + On-Premise, Xero.

How to calculate this metric:

MSP metric formula for calculating labor costs



8. Debt/Asset Ratio

The Debt/Asset Ratio provides information on your business’s financial leverage.

BrightGauge integrations that support this metric: QuickBooks Online + On-Premise, Xero, Great Plains. 

How to calculate this metric:

MSP metric formula for calculating debt-to-asset ratio



9. Utilization

Utilization measures how productively your employees are using their hours and helps you identify if you could be operating more efficiently or if you need to cut/add resources.

BrightGauge integrations that support this metric: ConnectWise Manage (technician utilization) 

How to calculate this metric:

MSP metric formula for calculating utilization rate



10. Client Concentration

Quite important for small to medium sized MSPs, client concentration is a powerful measurement that identifies the percent of profit that each client is responsible for.

BrightGauge integrations that support this metric: Great Plains (Billings Gross Profit by Customer), Xero (Revenue by Account)

How to calculate this metric:

MSP metric formula for calculating client concentration


In order to ensure you’ll be increasing performance on all levels you should be displaying your KPIs on dashboards around the office and in reports distributed amongst your team. 



11. Revenue by Category

Breaking down revenue by category will allow you to identify whether you need to diversify your sources of revenue or not.

BrightGauge integrations that support this metric: QuickBooks Online + On-Premise, Xero, Great Plains, Tigerpaw



12. Service Gross Margin

Services are a great business, but if you’re not monitoring your profit margin you could be making a big mistake! This allows you to ensure your business is performing as efficiently and successfully as possible.

BrightGauge integrations that support this metric: ConnectWise ManageQuickBooks Online + On-Premise, Xero, Great Plains

How to calculate this metric:

MSP metric formula for calculating gross profit margin



13. Service Team W2 Ratio

Similar to service gross margin, this metric allows you to ensure your business is operating at peak efficiency and profitability.

BrightGauge integrations that support this metric: QuickBooks Online + On-Premise.

How to calculate this metric:

MSP metric formula for calculating Service Team W2 Ratio 


14. EBITDA Margin

Standing for earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization, EBITDA margin is a measure of your company’s profitability and financial health.

BrightGauge integrations that support this metric: QuickBooks Online + On-Premise, Xero.

How to calculate this metric:

MSP metric formula for calculating EBITDA



15. Total Customers

Monitoring the number of total customers will give you a quick look at your MSPs health by allowing you to check for growth or loss.

Most of our BrightGauge integrations support this metric. You will be able to build a gauge and filter for total number of clients.



16. Customer Lifetime Value

Customer lifetime value will help you know when to look at raising your rates and how and when you should look to increase your total customers.

BrightGauge integrations that support this metric: ConnectWise ManageQuickBooks Online + On-Premise, Xero

How to calculate this metric:

MSP metric formula for calculating Customer Lifetime Value



17. Sales Expense as a % of Revenue

Your sales expenses as a percentage of revenue will help to identify how efficient your sales and marketing processes are and when to allocate more or less funds to sales and/or marketing.

BrightGauge integrations that support this metric: ConnectWise ManageQuickBooks Online + On-Premise, Xero, Accelo

How to calculate this metric:

MSP metric formula for calculating Expense Ratio 



18. Revenue/End User Supported

Revenue per end user supported will show you which contracts are paying you the most (or least) and in turn will help to establish whether or not you are bringing in enough revenue per client.

BrightGauge integrations that support this metric: ConnectWise ManageQuickBooks Online + On-Premise, Xero.

How to calculate this metric: MSP metric formula for calculating revenue per end user



19. Cost/End User Supported

Cost per end user is similar to revenue per end user, but this version calculates how much each user costs your business.

BrightGauge integrations that support this metric: ConnectWise ManageQuickBooks Online + On-Premise, Xero.

How to calculate this metric:

MSP metric formula for calculating cost per end user 


 Measurable metrics are quantifiable and not qualitative.



20. Effective Hourly Rate

Tracking your effective hourly rate helps to establish how profitable your contracts are and which clients you may need to charge more or nix from your business list.

BrightGauge integrations that support this metric: ConnectWise Manage, Tigerpaw, Kaseya BMS, Freshdesk

How to calculate this metric:

MSP metric formula for calculating effective hourly rate



21. Return on Investment (ROI)

Return on investment has its limitations, but in general, it’s a very powerful way to calculate whether a particular choice is worth pursuing.

How to calculate this metric:

MSP metric formula for calculating return on investment



22. Gross Profit Margin

Monitoring this metric will help you assess whether your company is financially healthy.

BrightGauge integrations that support this metric: QuickBooks Online + On-Premise, Xero, Great Plains, Tigerpaw

How to calculate this metric:MSP metric formula for calculating gross profit margin





23. Net Profit Margin

Similar to gross profit margin, your net profit margin will help you identify whether your company is financially healthy and if your business model is viable.

BrightGauge integrations that support this metric: QuickBooks Online + On-Premise, Xero, Great Plains, Tigerpaw

How to calculate this metric:

MSP metric formula for calculating net profit margin



Sales & Marketing Metrics for MSPs

24. Sales Growth

Sales growth is one of the easiest ways to check if your business is growing, making it a popular metric for businesses to track.

BrightGauge integrations that support this metric: Great Plains, Accelo

How to calculate this metric:

MSP metric formula for calculating sales growth



25. Sales Opportunities

Tracking your sales opportunities will allow you to predict the number of new customers that will come in and ensure that you’ve got enough potential customers for your sales reps to reach out to.

BrightGauge integrations that support this metric: ConnectWise Manage, Autotask, Tigerpaw, Kaseya BMS, Infusionsoft, Salesforce



26. Quote to Close

Your quote to close ratio is the average number of quotes that are sent before one is closed. It will help you identify potential issues with your quote, whether that’s price, timing, or some other factor.

BrightGauge integrations that support this metric: ConnectWise SellTigerpaw

How to calculate this metric:  MSP metric formula for calculating quote-to-close ratio



27. Age of Opportunity

Looking at the age of each opportunity will allow you to recognize patterns for identifying when the ideal time to prioritize an opportunity is, increasing your close rate.

BrightGauge integrations that support this metric: ConnectWise ManageConnectWise Sell Autotask, Tigerpaw, Kaseya BMS, Infusionsoft, Salesforce

How to calculate this metric:

MSP metric formula for calculating age of opportunity 


28. Response Time

Monitoring the response time of your sales reps will help you to ensure your sales cadence is being followed and doesn’t need to be changed or improved upon.

BrightGauge integrations that support this metric: ConnectWise Manage, Autotask, Tigerpaw, Kaseya BMS, Zendesk, E-Automate, Freshdesk



29. Total Pipeline Dollars

Tracking the number of dollars in the pipeline can help you predict how much revenue will come in the next month.

BrightGauge integrations that support this metric: ConnectWise Manage, Tigerpaw, Kaseya BMS

How to calculate this metric:

MSP metric formula for calculating total pipeline dollars 


30. Website Visitors

While often considered a vanity metric, your website visitors can provide great value. For example, when combined with your average conversion rate you can use it to predict how many leads will be generated in the coming months.



31. Bounce Rate

Your bounce rate will let you know if the people visiting your site are finding what they were looking for or if they are getting frustrated and exiting your site. This is particularly important for SEO and PPC ads.



32. Leads from Website

The number of leads coming from your website will help to see its effectiveness in driving new customers to your MSP.

BrightGauge integrations that support this metric: Salesforce



33. Unique Blog Page Views

Many MSPs have now begun to blog in order to offer increased value to their clients and to help capture new leads. Monitoring the number of people who visit your blog will help you see the worth of this channel.



34. Newsletter Views & Clicks

If you send an email newsletter to your customers and/or a subscriber list, you can identify how much value it’s providing your company by analyzing how many people are viewing and clicking on your emails.



35. Social Media Mentions

Having a presence on social media is necessary today, and it’s crucial for a business to monitor their engagement on social media by tracking social media mentions.


Establishing KPIs allows you to determine whether your team is working toward the right goals and what adjustments need to occur to keep productivity high.



36. Market Growth Rate

Monitoring market growth rate will allow you to predict whether there will be more customers for you to pursue or whether the market has reached its peak and it’s time to pivot towards a new customer base.

How to calculate this metric:

MSP metric formula for calculating market growth rate



37. Market Share

Tracking your market share is another metric that will help to let you know when it’s time to move towards a new customer base or to keep pursuing customers in your current market.

How to calculate this metric:

MSP metric formula for calculating market share



38. Brand Equity

The measure of the value of your brand (not the company’s equity) is difficult to track but necessary for successful decision making. Imagine if the Ford Mustang was changed to be the Ford Fastback! The car’s sales would likely plummet. Track your brand equity to help drive brand growth and make better decisions

How to calculate this metric:




39. Cost per Lead

Cost per lead helps you to establish which platforms are viable and whether you need to be charging your customers more for your services.

How to calculate this metric:

MSP metric formula for calculating cost per lead 



40. Conversion Rate

Knowing your company’s conversion rate will help you determine if a marketing channel or sales cadence is worth continuing or needs to be improved upon.

BrightGauge integrations that support this metric: SalesforceQuickBooks Online + On-Premise, Xero, Great Plains

How to calculate this metric:

MSP metric formula for calculating conversion rate 


41. Audience Growth Rate

Measuring the change in your company’s followers will help identify if the content on your social media platforms is resonating with your customer base.

How to calculate this metric:

MSP metric formula for calculating audience growth rate



42. Average Engagement Rate

Average engagement rate is a way to track how effective different messages and platforms are at reaching your audience. Engagements are considered likes, comments, shares, retweets, etc.

How to calculate this metric:

MSP metric formula for calculating average engagement rate 


43. Acquisition Rate

Monitoring the number of customers you’ve acquired will help you identify whether your sales and marketing teams are performing at the necessary levels.

How to calculate this metric:

MSP metric formula for calculating acquisition rate



44. Potential Reach

The number of people and their followers who will potentially see your post allows you to establish whether there is enough of an audience on a channel to be viable for marketing.

Service Metrics for MSPs

45. Technician Utilization

Technician utilization is an often overlooked metric, but it can directly contribute to your business’s bottom line! Monitoring it will help to ensure that your service team is operating as efficiently as possible.

BrightGauge integrations that support this metric: ConnectWise Manage

How to calculate this metric:

MSP metric formula for calculating utilization rate



46. SLA Adherence

Complying with your service level agreements (SLAs) is incredibly important for MSPs, and there’s no way to ensure you are doing so without measuring your SLA adherence. One way you can calculate this is to measure the number of incidents resolved within the contracted time set forth in an SLA.

BrightGauge integrations that support this metric: ConnectWise Manage, Tigerpaw, Kaseya BMS, Freshdesk

How to calculate this metric: 

MSP metric formula for calculating SLA adherence


47. Customer Satisfaction

Customer Satisfaction (also abbreviated as CSAT) is a measure of how satisfied a customer was with their experience. Monitoring CSAT scores will let you identify how happy your service team is leaving your customers.

BrightGauge integrations that support this metric: ConnectWise Manage, SmileBack, Customer Thermometer, CrewHu, Zendesk

How to calculate this metric:

MSP metric formula for calculating customer satisfaction (CSAT score) 

There’s nothing more important than customer satisfaction in the business of managed services, and the keys to that satisfaction are transparency and great communication. 


48. Tickets Opened Today

Monitoring this metric will provide a quick look at what’s coming in and help you identify spikes in real time.

BrightGauge integrations that support this metric: ConnectWise Manage, Autotask, Tigerpaw, Kaseya BMS, Zendesk, Freshdesk, Accelo


49. Tickets Closed Today

Looking at your tickets closed today will give you an idea of whether your team is ahead or falling behind in real time.

BrightGauge integrations that support this metric: ConnectWise Manage, Autotask, Tigerpaw, Kaseya BMS, Zendesk, Freshdesk, Accelo



50. Assigned Tickets by Technician

Assigned tickets by technician will allow you to identify which technicians are your top performers and who could use a little coaching/training.

BrightGauge integrations that support this metric: ConnectWise Manage, Autotask, Tigerpaw, Kaseya BMS, Zendesk, Freshdesk, Accelo



51. In Progress Tickets

Tickets that are in progress will allow you to see if your technicians are falling behind or keeping up with their tickets.

BrightGauge integrations that support this metric: ConnectWise Manage, Autotask, Tigerpaw, Kaseya BMS, Zendesk, Freshdesk, Accelo



52. Resolved Tickets

Tracking the number of resolved tickets will allow you to see if your team is performing at the necessary levels to provide good customer service.

BrightGauge integrations that support this metric: ConnectWise Manage, Autotask, Tigerpaw, Kaseya BMS, Zendesk, Freshdesk, Accelo



53. Unassigned Tickets

Many MSPs triage their tickets and assign them to technicians based on severity and topic. If your tickets are not being assigned fast enough you may need to consider changing your triage process.

BrightGauge integrations that support this metric: ConnectWise Manage, Autotask, Tigerpaw, Kaseya BMS, Zendesk, Freshdesk, Accelo



54. Customer Responded Tickets

Another great metric to track is the number of tickets in which a customer has responded but hasn’t yet received a response from your team. This allows you to identify whether your team is responding fast enough to tickets.

BrightGauge integrations that support this metric: ConnectWise Manage, Autotask, Tigerpaw, Kaseya BMS, Zendesk, Freshdesk, Accelo



55. Waiting on Customer Tickets

Tracking the number of tickets that are waiting for a customer to reply will allow you to identify a potential issue before it happens. You may need to follow up more often or explore different methods of communication with your customer.

BrightGauge integrations that support this metric: ConnectWise Manage, Autotask, Tigerpaw, Kaseya BMS, Zendesk, Freshdesk, Accelo



56. Tickets Past Due

This metric will help you to ensure you are not falling behind on your ticket load.

BrightGauge integrations that support this metric: ConnectWise Manage, Autotask, Tigerpaw, Kaseya BMS, Zendesk, Freshdesk, Accelo



57. Tickets Opened by Client

If you’re familiar with the Pareto Principle, you’ll know that 20% of your clients will account for 80% of your tickets. Monitoring tickets open by client will allow you to identify those clients and either charge them more, notify them so they can better train their employees, or fire them as a client.

BrightGauge integrations that support this metric: ConnectWise Manage, Autotask, Tigerpaw, Kaseya BMS, Zendesk, Freshdesk, Accelo



58. Tickets Open by Type

By monitoring your tickets open by type, you can identify which category of tickets are responsible for the most open tickets and which take the longest to resolve.

BrightGauge integrations that support this metric: ConnectWise Manage, Autotask, Tigerpaw, Kaseya BMS, Zendesk, Freshdesk, Accelo



59. Stale Tickets

Sometimes a ticket goes without an update for an extended period of time. Normally, these tickets are lost, but by monitoring your number of stale tickets you can ensure all tickets are being followed up on in a timely manner.

BrightGauge integrations that support this metric: ConnectWise Manage, Autotask, Tigerpaw, Kaseya BMS, Zendesk, Freshdesk, Accelo



60. Average Time to Acknowledgement

Helps you monitor whether you are hitting your SLAs or not.

BrightGauge integrations that support this metric: ConnectWise Manage, Autotask, Tigerpaw, Kaseya BMS, Zendesk, Freshdesk, Accelo

How to calculate this metric:

MSP metric formula for calculating average time to acknowledgement


61. Average Time to Response

Responsiveness is one of the key factors in determining whether a customer churns or becomes a promoter of your business. Tracking your average time to response will help you monitor and improve your responsiveness.

BrightGauge integrations that support this metric: ConnectWise Manage, Autotask, Tigerpaw, Kaseya BMS, Zendesk, Freshdesk, Accelo

How to calculate this metric:

MSP metric formula for calculating average time to response



62. Average Time to Resolution Plan

This is another metric to help track whether you’re reaching your SLAs.

BrightGauge integrations that support this metric: ConnectWise Manage, Autotask, Tigerpaw, Kaseya BMS, Zendesk, Freshdesk, Accelo

How to calculate this metric:

MSP metric formula for calculating average time to resolution plan


63. Average Time to Resolution

Yet another metric for monitoring SLAs.

BrightGauge integrations that support this metric: ConnectWise Manage, Autotask, Tigerpaw, Kaseya BMS, Zendesk, Freshdesk, Accelo

How to calculate this metric:

MSP metric formula for calculating average time to resolution



64. Tickets Opened and Closed in the Last 14 Days

Tracking the number of tickets that have been opened and closed in the last 2 weeks will help you identify short-term trends and see if your team is handling the number of tickets or is falling behind.

BrightGauge integrations that support this metric: ConnectWise Manage, Autotask, Tigerpaw, Kaseya BMS, Zendesk, Freshdesk, Accelo



65. Top Ticket Closers for the Week

By using leaderboards to identify the reps who are closing the most support tickets, you can help to provide a little healthy competition between your team members.

BrightGauge integrations that support this metric: ConnectWise Manage, Autotask, Tigerpaw, Kaseya BMS, Zendesk, Freshdesk, Accelo



66. Kill Rate

Identifying whether your team is closing more tickets than are being opened is crucial to ensuring you don’t fall behind.

BrightGauge integrations that support this metric: ConnectWise Manage, Autotask, Tigerpaw, Kaseya BMS, Zendesk, Freshdesk, Accelo

How to calculate this metric:

MSP metric formula for calculating kill rate



67. Service Backlog

Your service backlog will help your management team predict resource needs.

BrightGauge integrations that support this metric: ConnectWise Manage, Autotask, Tigerpaw, Kaseya BMS, Zendesk, Freshdesk, Accelo



68. Customer Satisfaction

Understanding how your customers feel about your company, product, and service is crucial for identifying churn risks and areas where you can improve your business.

BrightGauge integrations that support this metric: ConnectWise Manage, SmileBack, Customer Thermometer, CrewHu, Zendesk

How to calculate this metric:

MSP metric formula for calculating customer satisfaction (CSAT score)


69. Workstation and Server Patch Status

A server or workstation that is outdated will result in a higher ticket volume than machines which are up to date on patches, and that’s just one reason to monitor patch status! Security is an even bigger reason to stay up to date with patches.

BrightGauge integrations that support this metric: ConnectWise Automate, Kaseya, Continuum, Autotask Endpoint Management, Solarwinds MSP


70. Hours Entered Today

If you let your team wait before inputting their hours, they will forget or enter incorrect hours. Monitoring the hours they’ve entered and sending a daily report will help decrease forgotten hours.

BrightGauge integrations that support this metric: ConnectWise Manage, Autotask, Tigerpaw, Kaseya BMS, Freshdesk, Harvest



71. Top 10 Tickets per Endpoint

Identifying your problem customers will help to identify which ones may need additional training or an increase in cost.

BrightGauge integrations that support this metric: ConnectWise Manage, Autotask, Tigerpaw, Kaseya BMS



72. Tickets via Medium

Tracking the number of tickets by medium will allow you to gain insight into your client’s most popular ways of reaching out for help and even which mediums are resulting in the longest wait times.

BrightGauge integrations that support this metric: ConnectWise Manage, Autotask, Tigerpaw, Kaseya BMS, Zendesk, Freshdesk, Accelo



73. Number of Touchpoints

How many times did the customer have to exchange information in order to resolve the issue? A one touchpoint resolution is a very powerful and effective way to increase customer satisfaction, and you can’t improve without first monitoring the number of touchpoints.



74. Net Promoter Score (NPS)

Similar to CSAT, NPS allows you to gauge how happy customers are with your service while also putting satisfaction in a measure that more closely shows its value. It is usually the result of asking customers how likely they are to recommend your product or service.

BrightGauge integrations that support this metric: ConnectWise Manage, Customer Thermometer

How to calculate this metric:

MSP metric formula for calculating net promoter score (NPS)


 75. Net Customer Satisfaction Score

Similarly to the Net Promoter Score (NPS), the Net Customer Satisfaction (Net CSAT) score is a measure which determines your true, net customer satisfaction level.

BrightGauge integrations that support this metric: SmileBack

How to calculate this metric:



76. Time Resolved Without Service Desk

If you’ve got a knowledge base, forum or some other form of self-help option on your website, it’s important to track how long it takes a client to solve their issue without contacting your team. This will help you identify areas where you can make the self-help options more helpful.

Human Resources Metrics for MSPs

Metrics provide a measuring tool for determining if employees are performing at the level expected for their role within the organization.



77. Revenue per Employee

A powerful, but often overlooked metric, Revenue per Employee allows you to gauge how efficiently your company is using its employees.

BrightGauge integrations that support this metric: QuickBooks Online + On-Premise, Xero, Great Plains, Tigerpaw

How to calculate this metric:

MSP metric formula for calculating revenue per employee



78. Employee Churn Rate

Monitoring your employee churn rate can help you make better hiring decisions and highlight areas where you can improve your company’s culture.

How to calculate this metric:

First, get your Average Number of Employees:

MSP metric formula for calculating average number of employees


MSP metric formula for calculating churn rate



79. Employee Satisfaction

Employee Satisfaction helps you understand how happy your employees are and by doing so will allow you to identify any potential problems. A good way to do this is through regular surveys and evaluations.


80. Employee Engagement

Measuring employee engagement will allow you to identify how much effort your employees are willing to put towards the job and it’s responsibilities. Again, this can be measured through surveys and evaluations.


Not every MSP will track the same metrics. You’ll figure out which are important to track when you follow the steps given above

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Created by


Nathali Amaro
Designer @ BrightGauge


Susan Perez
Content Marketing Manager @BrightGauge

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